A downloadable game

Made By Ross Lawrie/ First year/ Game Design and Production student 

Made for Des101

How to play :

All Out Athletics is a 2-4 player Board game where you race against other players to get to the finish line first. Each player should pick up 3 cards at the start of the game, players will take turns rolling a D6 dice to move around the board and after you roll the dice you get the opportunity to play a card to use against an opponent.

Card types :

  • You trip card
    • if you pick this card up you must play it immediately and you miss your next turn  
  • You throw an object at an opponent card (comes in multiple forms javelin, shot put and discus)
    • this card give you the ability to choice an opponent to attack and you will roll a D20 dice to see if it hits (roll above 10) or misses (roll 10 or below) if it hits the player you attacked will move back 4 spaces 
  • Head wind card
    • this card affects every player on the board and for the next 3 moves each player will take 2 off of there roll 
  • Tail wind card
    • this card affects every player on the board and for the next 3 moves each player will add 2 onto there roll 
  • Steal card 
    • this card lets you steal a card from an opponent of your choice 
  • Roll twice card 
    • this card lets you roll an extra turn 
  • Stride card
    • while you hold this card for every move you make while you are holding it you can add an extra space on to your roll 
  • Steroid card
    • while you hold this card for every move you make while you are holding it you can add an extra space on to your roll 
  • Drug test card
    • this card allows you test another opponent to see if they have a steroid card, the player you pick must show there hand to everyone and if they have a steroid card they will move back 6 spaces but if they don't have a steroid card the player that played the drug test card must move back 4 spaces  
  • Place a hurdle in front of an opponent card 
    • this card allows you to place a hurdle in front of a player of your choice and they must roll a D20 dice to see if they make it over (roll above 10) if they don't they miss their next turn 


All Out Athletics Playing Cards.pdf 3.5 MB
All Out Athletics Board.jpg 606 kB
All Out Athletics Player Tokens.png 145 kB

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